商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:smdtactswitch.qy6.com 多年电源手电筒开关.按键手电筒开关高稳定.按钮手电筒开关造工完美_广东瑞丰电子科技有限公司
联系人:朱小姐 先生 (销售部)
电 话:0769-82055128
手 机:13751237828




    Since its establishment in 1991, SMD SWITCH SMT has been focusing on the cause of precision switch socket connectors. It has been developing and manufacturing various types of precision switches to meet the needs of consumer electronics, communications, home appliances, automobiles, Industrial and medical needs of the industry. DIP SWITCH SMD has more than 35 years of high-end precision switch socket dedicated experience;

Ruifeng technology switch electronic business unit firmly believe that the concept of zero defect quality concept, in the realization of reliable switch socket at the same time, taking into account the user operating feel, which allows us to multi-function telephone, large mixer, gas, large and small appliances Air conditioning controller, car door locks and other markets to obtain the trust of top customers, in addition to the United States, Japan and Germany large enterprises outside these high-end market, an important seat of the Asian enterprises, in the field of micro-switches and pressure sensors, SMD SWITCH DIP Has become a world-renowned brand

朱小姐 先生 (销售部)  
电  话: 0769-82055128
传  真: 0769-83868068
移动电话: 13751237828
公司地址: 中国广东东莞市广东省东莞市黄江镇合路工业区
邮  编: 655618
公司主页: http://smdtactswitch.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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广东瑞丰电子科技有限公司 公司地址:中国广东东莞市广东省东莞市黄江镇合路工业区
朱小姐 先生 (销售部) 电话:0769-82055128 传真:0769-83868068
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